The event: Vancouver Half-Marathon
When: June 24, 2012

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 3

Strength Assessment:

Did the basics to get a reference point.  It hurt.

Pushups:  15 regular.  Nearly popped vessel in eye from strain. However, managed to avoid faceplant.
Situps:  40
Lunges:  12, very shaky
Squats:  see above
Plank:  1 minute

Verdict:  Plenty of room for work.  A lot of the strength training programs I've been looking at recommend adding sets and weights and all kinds of fun stuff.  So, I have something to work toward and look forward to:  I plan on being superhero strong.


  1. Just follow my lead! I can do 12 regular pushups and I'm seven months pregnant. Boo yah!

    I actually love doing weights in class and know all sorts of new exercises. My favourite is doing flys on the exercise ball - I'm up to 15lbs!

  2. Nice work, power-mama! I love doing flys, too.

  3. Now Hol, just resting on your tummy doesn't count as push ups ;)
